Jessica Karaguesian
Haliburton, Canada
Jessica Karaguesian, from Haliburton, Canada, is pursuing a PhD in bioengineering at Stanford School of Engineering. She graduated from McGill University with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a master’s degree in computational science and engineering. Leveraging insights at the intersection of physics, biology, and computation, Jessica aspires to investigate biomolecular mechanisms and engineer novel protein systems. She has previously investigated molecular underpinnings of cancer drug resistance, cellular transport, and mobile genetic elements. At MIT, Jessica developed computational frameworks to design improved electrocatalysts for use in sustainable energy applications. She has also served as the co-director of TEDxMIT and led organizations such as Scientista McGill, striving to empower minorities in STEM, and a piano program for underserved elementary school students. Jessica is a recipient of the Canadian Society for Chemistry Silver Medal, Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award, and full-tuition JW McConnell Scholarship.