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MD in Medicine, MBA in Business

Neil Rens

2020 Cohort, Graduate

San Diego, CA, United States

Neil Rens, from San Diego, California, is pursuing an MD at Stanford School of Medicine and a master’s degree in business administration at Stanford Graduate School of Business. He earned a bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering at Johns Hopkins University, and a master’s degree in health economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Neil aspires to advance health equity through policy reforms and delivery system innovation. At Johns Hopkins, he focused on patient-facing devices that democratize medicine and was part of a team that was a finalist for the $10 million Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE. He spent time fixing medical equipment in Rwanda with Engineering World Health and co-founded a medical hackathon called MedHacks. He was named a Fulbright Scholar.


MD, School of Medicine
MBA, Graduate School of Business