Geraldine Mukumbi
Ngezi, Zimbabwe
Geraldine Mukumbi, from Ngezi, Zimbabwe, is pursuing a PhD in curriculum studies and teacher education at Stanford Graduate School of Education. She graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a double major in Africana Studies and English. Geraldine aspires to design pedagogical tools that use Young Adult (YA) literature to improve the quality of literacy for multilingual students. She has served as a Humanities and Entrepreneurial Leadership educator at the African Leadership Academy (South Africa), LEAF Academy (Slovakia) and USAP Community School (Zimbabwe). At Notre Dame, she was a Hesburgh-Yusko scholar and a recipient of the Notre Dame Student Leadership Award for her work as the executive producer of the monologue production, Show Some Skin. Geraldine received the Richard T. Sullivan prize for fiction and the Hammon-Wheatley creative arts award for her YA manuscript Phantasm.