Lore Avilés Trujillo
Park City, Illinois, United States
Lorena Avilés Trujillo, from Park City, Illinois by way of San Lucas, Totolmajac, Mexico, is pursuing a PhD in sociology with a focus on international migration and black markets that meet human needs. She graduated cum laude from Harvard University with a concentration in sociology, a secondary in ethnicity, migration, and rights, and a certificate in Latin American studies. While there, she researched migrant smuggling in the Mexico-U.S. border and received the Albert M. Fulton, Thomas T. Hoopes, Ethnicity Migration and Rights, and Joan Hutchins awards for her outstanding scholarly research. Since graduating, Lorena has worked on TED Conferences' Curation Team, driving strategy, conducting data analyses, and researching content all while volunteering as a program director for the Princeton Summer Journalism Program. As a graduate student, Lorena plans to continue to research migration in hopes of one day establishing migration as a basic human right.