Orisa Coombs
Aurora, Colorado, United States
Orisa Coombs, from Aurora, Colorado, is pursuing a PhD in mechanical engineering at Stanford School of Engineering. She completed her bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering at MIT. Orisa aspires to be a professor and contribute to research in the area of energy and sustainability technology. Previously, she explored the medical device industry through internships at Johnson and Johnson and SpineFrontier. At the MIT Media Lab, she designed wearable devices to continuously monitor biomarkers like cortisol in astronauts in the International Space Station. However, Orisa found her passion in climate change research. In the Rosenhow Kendall Lab, she researched efficient water desalination methods for long-term water sustainability. Orisa also served as the Chair of the MIT Black Student's Union, and as a representative on Institute Diversity Equity and Inclusion Policy committees. Furthermore, she worked to eliminate food insecurity across campus through dorm food pantry initiatives and the design of an on-campus at-cost grocery store.